Gardening With Hearing Aids: 5 Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

a person in a garden

Gardening involves preparing the soil, planting seeds, and caring for plants as they grow. Gardeners may focus on growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, trees, or flowers.

Many people maintain a garden to supplement their food supply with fresh produce. Others enjoy the activity and feel rewarded by growing beautiful flowers or vegetables they can consume. Whether you’ve been gardening for years or have never planted a seed, gardening offers multiple benefits for seniors and is an excellent activity to engage in when you retire.

1. Promotes Regular Activity


Gardening is a flexible activity because it can be pursued year-round. With the resources available from, you will be able to grow healthy plants indoors no matter what season you’re in. Choose between full-spectrum and hydroponic lighting to stimulate photosynthesis and ensure your plants are getting all the nutrients they need. Hydro Blossom also sells nutrient-rich soil that can accelerate the growing process. If you opt to garden indoors with artificial lighting, you can work on your garden any time of the day or night. You can also garden in stages between personal engagements. Supplementing your outdoor gardening with indoor gardening during the fall and winter can help you maintain a consistent year-round schedule. You also won’t have to worry about rain or snow affecting your mobility.

If you are in a wheelchair or unable to stand for prolonged periods, you can use raised beds to garden comfortably and safely. You will also reduce the risk of losing or damaging your hearing aids because you garden when you garden indoors.

2. Manages Sensory Health


As you age, you are more likely to suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus. Tinnitus refers to buzzing or ringing sounds in your years and can be diagnosed and treated by an audiologist. The sounds can be frustrating and painful. One way to experience is by spending time in a controlled environment where you can mask tinnitus sounds. Listening to the radio while gardening can help manage your symptoms. You may be able to combat the effects of tinnitus by reducing your stress levels and consuming zinc, and vitamin B. Beans and lentils are natural sources of zinc. Increase your vitamin B intake by growing and consuming beans, spinach, and broccoli.

3. Maintains Physical Health


Gardening involves moving bags of soil, digging holes or trenches in the dirt, planting seeds, covering seeds with dirt, lifting watering cans, and removing weeds. All of these tasks involve some degree of physical activity. Your body will benefit from the regular exercise gardening provides. Lifting items will help maintain and develop muscle tone, which improves your balance and motor skills. Lifting dirt, tools, and watering cans can help prevent you from falling.

Seniors have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Elevated blood sugar levels can cause fatigue, vomiting, stomach pain, diabetic coma, and tinnitus. The exercise from gardening can also help prevent you from developing diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar levels.

If you have experienced hearing loss, you may be concerned about engaging in some activities, such as jogging or walking near busy roadways. Gardening is an activity you can enjoy in a controlled environment while wearing your hearing aids.

4. Promotes Mental Health


Gardening is a rewarding activity that can boost your mental health. Your risk of developing dementia decreases by 36% if you engage in gardening. The physical exercise from gardening also triggers your body to release endorphins. Endorphins naturally combat stress and anxiety. They can also help reduce depression.

Gardeners take pride in producing beautiful flowers that can be enjoyed by themselves and others. Gardeners can also take pride in growing produce they can consume.

Exposure to the color green is also associated with decreasing stress and anxiety. These benefits can help counter anxiety and stress caused by hearing loss.

5. Promotes Socialization


Gardening can be done alone, but it can also be done with others. It also promotes interaction. Whether you’re visiting public gardens to get ideas for your plants, purchasing supplies at a garden center, or taking a class to learn about growing herbs, gardening offers opportunities to interact with others who enjoy this hobby. It’s an activity that people of all ages can enjoy, so it’s also an option to garden with your friends or family. You can enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of gardening while teaching your grandchild to grow a flower. Gardening can restore social connections that were adversely affected by your hearing loss.